Marinas Class Work

Tuesday 18th Septembre 2018

In my film magazine I would include reviews, interviews and contests. It will be aimed to a younger audience from 12-20. That means I will be trying to focus on more current films and T.V shows weather then older ones. However if there is a prevalent film I wish to discuss that I believe the target audience will enjoy I will cover that to. I will also be doing feature on live theatre productions, that currently on the west end, if the questionnaire reveals people would enjoy them. The genre of the films that I will be focussing on is Japanese anime and manga.

1. What kind of front cover draws you towards a magazine?

2. Do you think interviews with directors of films are interesting?

3. Do you think subjects of the magazines should cover new premiering films or older films?

4. Are you interested in reading about the actors as well as the actual film its self?

5. What kind of content do you look for in film magazines?

6. What genre of film are you most interested in?

7. Would you be more inclined to bye a magazine if it was dark or brightly coloured?

8. How much would you expect to pay for your average film magazine?

9. Would you prefer an online copy of the magazine?

10. Are you interested in live theatre productions?

Wednesday 19th Septembre 2018
Draft of my film magazine idea: 

Synopsis and target audience:
My magazine is based on films and film reviews. It is going to look at popular movies that are currently premiering and are newly released. It is going to take an in depth perspective that is interesting to a slightly younger audience. It will also hopefully have interviews going in depth about the filming process and the actors personal opinions on the film. Its purpose is to inform teenagers and young adults  in a fun and engaging way about new and upcoming films. My target audience is 12 to 20 year olds so teenagers and young adults. My magazine is also going to be mainly focussing on live performances that take place on stage, it will include reviews, recommendations and my personal opinions. All of the films I focus on will be animated Japanese manga.

Production costs & ware it is sold: 

Using print 100 copes of an eight page magazine with a front cover and gloss finnish it will cost from £80.50 (slower shipping) to £112.50 (express shipping). This also includes colour on all the pages, a portrait style and stapes for the binding of the magazine. My magazine could be sold in local retailers such as corner shops. You could also sell online versions which you can download on to your phone or tablet. This would reduce the production cost dramatically as there would be no need to print copies and have them sent off. Also they are more convenient for the buyer/reader.


- Interviews with directors
- Interviews with actors
- Reviews
- Features on specific actors
- Features on specific films

Sample article: 

Image result for harry potter
INSIDE THE MAGICAL WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER                                                                                  

In this issue we will be going into the in-depth word of Hogwarts and its magical students. With interviews from Daniel Radcliffe and the director David Yates, there will be light shed on the actors life on set as well as a chance to win tickets to the London premier of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

Interview with Daniel: 
Daniel said that in 2000, producer David Heyman asked him to audition for the part of Harry Potter in the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Even Rowling thought "he couldn't of found a better harry". Daniel reveals the fact that he never felt cool playing harry potter, it was just what he did. His role as young Harry obviously propelled him into the spot light at a extremely young age. Daniel also told our interviewers that in regards to this being the last Harry Potter film he feels, "it will be very upsetting when it does come to an end because I’ve spent so much time here and made some fantastic friends who I hope will stay with me for the rest of my life. And so yeah, it’ll be very sad but equally it is an exciting time. I suppose whenever you go through periods of transition or in a way it’s a very definite closing of a certain chapter of your life."
    Related image
  • Steve Weintraub. na. 5th October 2010 

Tuesday 25th September
Sample article 2:

Inside The Dressing Room!
The extravagant and extremely extra performance of Strictly Ballroom (directed by Biz Luhrman) danced onto the west end on the 16th of March 2018. If you love glamour, sequins and over the top dance routines this is the show to see! With a cast that includes stars such as Matt Cardel and Zizi Strallen, whats not to love. 



The compelling love story of a professional dancer and an unlikely match, who manage to single handedly change the strict and rigorous world of ballroom dancing. With love, scandal and fabulous music, I encourage any one who can to buy tickets for the musical while it is still showing at Picadily Circus theatre. 

  • THEATRE M. (2018). West End Confirmed For Bad Luhrmans Strictly Ball Room . Available: Last accessed 25th September 2018.
  • NA. (2018). Reviews Strictly Ball Room. Available: Last accessed 25-09-18
Wednesday 26th September 2018
Questionare Analysis:

1) It was a large majority of people who took my questionnaire who all said that brightly coloured magazines with bold texts and lots of pictures is what draws people to buy a certain magazine.Other thing that seem to draw people in to buy magazines is weather it has an attractive actor on the front cover and that the cover should relate to what is in the magazine.

2) These result show me that the majority of people enjoy interview with directors so I will make sure to include at least one in my magazine. However two people also said sometimes, so this means that I must make the interning and fast paced. This may result in me doing a new style or layout of interview that helps intrigue readers. 

3) The results show me that I must include both old and new anime style films as a large majority of people voted for both old classics and new premieres. However more people voted for new films than old ones so I will try to focus slightly more on new premieres 

4) Most people voted that they are interested in the actors as well as the film. So this means that I will definitely do features on the voice actor behind the characters in the anime films. A small percentage said no and sometimes. I think this is because in anime films you do not see the voice actors so there for they may not be interested. So I may only do this feature on larger more popular animes. 

- What the film magazine is about
-Behind the scenes
-In depth coverage
This gives me an idea about what people want to see with in my magazine. I will insure to include all of these features as I also desire these things in a film magazine in order to consider buying it.

6) This bar graph shows me that the three most popular genres of movies action, sci fi and drama. This shows me that I need to ensure that I do at least one feature on each of these genres of films. Many do a completion or an interactive page to do with this genre of film. In regards to the other genres I may still feature them but not just as heavily as the others.

7) This pie chart shows me that I need to use bright colours and with a mixture of dark accents on the front cover of the magazine. I will probably make the front cover very lure and bright to capture the attention of buyers. People usefully associate colour with emotion. So I must use colours that will evoke a positive emotion to do with my magazine. 

8) The price range that people expect to pay for a film magazine is between £1 and £5, so using this data I would probably price my magazine around £2.50 as it is not to expensive and fits in with the range of wanders I got from my questionnaire.

9) This shows me people want a more easily accessible magazine. I may look into a way of doing this as it massively reduces production costs as you do not need to print copies. People would be able to download portable copies that they can carry around everywhere with them.                              

10) As the vote came to half and half I do not believe that there is enough people who are interested in live theatre productions. So I will not be focussing on them or featuring them in the magazine. I do not believe that it would bring the magazine any traction.

Wednesday 3rd October 2018

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Tuesday 22nd January 2019
Unit 26 Film studies. 

Genre analysis - discuss how you know this is the genre and explain why?
Content analysis - this means how the film is advertised to generate interest.
Narrative analysis - what is the story of the film?

The film I am going to discuss is Tim Burtons Beetle Juice. The genre of the film beetle juice is a 
combination of comedy, horror and fantasy. You can tell this from the dark coloured scenes with the pops of occasional colours such as purple and green. The fantasy aspect of the genre comes from the other worldly parts of the film, for example, when the main couple cross over to the afterlife as well as the fantasy creatures such as Beetlejuice himself (a demon). The narrative of the film consists of a story that portrays a young straight laced couple (the Maitland's) who die and can not pass over into the afterlife and are not able to leave there home. A new family then proceed to move into their house, they are a hip and bohemian couple from New York with there extremely gothic and alternative daughter (the Deetzs). The film demonstrates how the Maitland's end up being far more paternal towards Lydia. Towards the end of the film it shows that all characters can all cohabit in the same house with both the Maitrlands and the Deetz's both having crucial parent like roles to play in Lydia's life. Tim Burton follows the auteur theory, this means that he uses reoccurring themes and characteristics through out his films such as using the same actors e.g. Johnny Depp as well as following a similar style which is gothic and the idea that he tackles darker subject matter in an almost comedic way. This is demonstrated in his film Beetlejuice as he takes on the theme of death and demons but displays them in a humorous way as there is multiple musical numbers that help lighten the mood. Most films are advertised via billboards, posters, t.v adverts and as pre-rolls in the cinema. The most well known advertisement for Beetlejuice was a commercial that was shown on television 

Wednesday 23rd January 2019
Film Theory 

Auteur Theory:

Feminist Theory:
is a theoretical film criticism derived from feminist politics and feminist theory. Feminists have many approaches to cinema analysis, regarding the film elements analyzed and their theoretical underpinnings.
Queer Theory:
is a field of critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of queer studies and women's studies.

Marxism Theory:
A philosophical and practical frame work for analysing and changing society that was developed from the ideas of Karl Marx in the 19th century.

Tuesday 29th January 2019
LO: watch any Auteur film while noting down symbolic codes

Symbolic Codes:

  • Setting 
  • Misenscene 
  • Acting
  • Color 
A Corps Bride 

A corps bride is set in a small secluded town with a eerie woods very close by. It is set in the victorian era and has a very lifeless and shabby feel to it. Everything has a dark and decrepit air about it.
Related image
A Corps Bride is a stop-motion-animated film. The set is made up of clay forms and plasticine that is modelled to look like a gothic victorian town. Victors costume consists of a black and white suit that has grey accents, he wares a silver tie and has slicked back black hair. Emily wares a tattered light blue/off white wedding dress with a flower crown made up of dead flowers, her hair is long blue and look unkempt. As this is a stop-motion animation every thing is a prop, from the characters to the coffins and the ear worms. 

Acting :
The facial expressions that Emily displays in A Corps Bride are often extremely exaggerated due to her large animated eyes. Emily also has dark circles around her eyes which can symbolise trauma, this could be because of the way she died ; murdered by her fiancĂ©. However when she looks at Victor se smiles brightly, this contrasts her usual sad expression. Emilys posture is good for the majority of the film this displays her affluent past. Victor however is a nervous man who is very easily startled. This is displayed as he is often looking to the floor and flinching when he is in the land of the dead. His eyebrows are pointed upwards which gives him a constantly disconcerted look. In the scene I have screen shotted below Emily looks very upset almost angry, her eyebrows are furrowed which is what demonstrates her unpleasant mood. Victor looks as if he is impressed with Emilys ability. His facial expression shows his concern for her and that he wants to soft out the argument that they have had. 
Image result for a corpse bride scene
The colours consist of a dark and monochrome themes. This symbolises dark and mysterious connotations through out the film. There is also use of muted blues and purples with in the film and this is symbolic of the themes of depression, death and transformation. For the main character Emily, she has light blue skin and dark blue hair, this demonstrates she is dead as blue has a very cold aura to it. Moreover, it displays themes loyalty, spirituality and jealousy which all are shown as very strong characteristics of Emily. The other hero of the film Victor has black hair and monochrome clothes this is symbolic of his anxious and depressive characteristics. 
Image result for a corpse bride

Camera Work:
For a Corpse Bride it is a stop motion animation, there for each scene is filmed frame by frame this means that it would take at least one day to film three seconds of footage.



Over all the lighting in the film is very dark however at points they use high key lighting in order to create atmosphere. I have noticed that in the film they use tree-point lighting system, this is effective because the film needs to maintain its dark aesthetic through out the whole of the movie. I think that if the film was over lit it would take away the eerie atmosphere that was created. The low lighting provides deep black and contrasts in the film which helps display the gothic theme. 

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