Marinas Home Work

Thursday 6th September

Music Video:
Lil Xan - Slingshot

The genre for Lil Xan can be considered as many things such as:
- hip hop
- trap
- cloud rap
- emo rap
- sound cloud rap

Target Audience:
Lil Xan target audience is mainly teenagers and young adults, but he does have a smaller following of people who would be in the older demographic.

Current Market: 
There is no current data on the music video slingshot. However, it is said that as an artist Lil Xan is worth an estimated $2 million.

Wednesday 12th September 

Initial Research For A new Film and Media Magazine 

What is the purpose of secondary research?
The purpose of secondary research is to find who and what your target audience is. You need to know whether there is a gap in the market for the magazine you are wanting to produce because if there are multiple magazines in a similar layout and design or even if they are speaking about the same subjects, you are more likely to get less traction for your magazine as there is already something well known and popular that people are reading. Furthermore, your audience may be overwhelmed with choice and will be more likely to choose the popular well-known magazine rather then a knew the less known magazine.

Empire - November 2011: 
What does the cover look like?

The cover has the title of the magazine in big and bold red writing, this will help catch the attention of the potential reader it could help evoke the initial interest in buying the magazine for the potential reader. It also has the whole front page covered in the feature film The Girl In The Dragon Tattoo, it shows you what's going to be inside the magazine straightway its very to the point. The reader of the magazine will know exactly what they are getting when seeing this cover picture. I think that the cover of empire looks very intriguing the neon pink stands out from the dark background it creates an alluring cover I would be drawn to it, if I personally saw it in the shops. However I think that to improve the cover they should have put some smaller less propionate images on the front, of the other topics and films that are covered in the magazine, this is because if you were not interested in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I do not believe that someone would be drawn to pick up the magazine to see what's inside. As it looks like the magazine is predominately focussed on The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

What is the feature on the cover page?
The feature on the front cover is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Does It Have A Centre Page Spread?
This copy of empire has a center page spread covering Steven Spielberg on a two-part journey into his filmmaking future. It seems to be focussing mostly on his film Tintin. To improve this I would try and focus on some films other than tin-tin as the target audience for empire is 16 - 30 years old and the majority of people seeing the cartoon film will be younger than this age range. I believe that some of Spielberg's movies such as Jaws or Jurassic World would be more appropriate for the target demographic.

Does It Have Interviews?
Empire has multiple interviews within it mostly with directors and actors.

Contense For Readers?
Empire has a detailed contents telling the readers the title of what's on each page and a brief description of the content of the page. It also has big pictures in an almost collage style with the page number on them that they relate to. I believe this will help intrigue the readers and help spark an invest for the topics being covered in the magazine. I think the content could be made slightly more organized as it is slightly all over the place, there is a slight lack of structure which could be confusing to the potential reader.

 Film Reviews? 
Empire has multiple film reviews in it ranging from whats in the cinema currently and fils that are out on DVD and blue ray. Empire also features reviews on things such as TV shows and games. This helps them, reach a wider audience other than people interested in films.

Empire vs Total Film:
Initially, from the front cover, they look like the magazines are targeted at very different audiences. Empire has used a dark color scheme contrasted with bright pink and blue text to make the writing stand out from the picture in the back. Ware as Total Film uses much more soft colors and less harsh colors of fonts on the front, it looks like it is targeted more towards women as posed to empire which I think looks like it may be aimed more at men. Empire has a center page spread but Total Film does not. Personally, I find the idea of magazines having a center page spread appealing, this is because it gives a more structured look of the magazine, as it gives the magazine something to be focussed and centered around. However, I think that Total Film has a much more structured content page than Empire. It has subcategories with page numbers beneath them, the subcategory will be a general theme or topic for whats in that section. I find it much more easy to navigate than the empire magazine content. Both the magazines have reviews which I think are detailed and well structured.


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