Fayes Class Work

Thursday 20th  September 
Essay Structure:

Can you give 3 purposes of commercial radio in detail? (300 words) 
In this essay I am going to look in detail at various different purposes of commercial radio. I am going to find out multiple different things about them and what they are used for. I will be referring to different radio stations such as talk sport and heart radio. The first purpose of commercial radio that I am going to discus is potentially the most important and this is to make money to help produce the radio station. "Commercial radio stations, as the name suggests, are funded by the sale of advertising, promotions and sponsorships". Radio services such as BBC are not commercially funded they are funded by tT.V licences so the will have very infrequent advertisement. Ware as, stations such as talk sport have many advertisements that are fairly frequent because that is somer of the only money they will receive. Futher-more, commercial radio make money by holding competitions via phoning and texting in to the show. The majority of the time the radio station will put on an extra charge on top of your existing phone charge, which will go to the station to generate money. This is effective because the people entering will usually not be aware of the extra charge so they enter the competition unaware it is not free. In conclusion I believe that the main purposes of commercial radios are to make profit weather thats through advertisements or competitions. They do not get any government funding to sustain them selfs.


  • unknown. (unknown). The Style and Purposes of Radio Advertising.Available: http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/media-studies/the-styles-and-purposes-of-radio-advertising.html. Last accessed 20th Sep 2018.

Thursday 3rd October

Regulatory Bodies: a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity.

Codes of Practice for Radio: Ofcom's Broadcasting Code governs what can be aired on TV and radio. ... The Code exists to protect viewers and listeners from harmful and offensive content but also ensures that broadcasters have the freedom to make challenging programmes.

- Is it prejudice 
- Is it family friendly
- Must abide by all laws codes.
- No abusive language.
To ensure that people under eighteen are protected.
To ensure that generally accepted standards are applied to the content of television and radio services so as to provide adequate protection for members of the public from the inclusion in such services of harmful and/or offensive material.
- To ensure that material likely to encourage or incite the commission of crime or to lead to disorder is not included in television or radio services or BBC ODPS.
To ensure that broadcasters exercise the proper degree of responsibility with respect to the content of programmes which are religious programmes. To ensure that religious programmes do not involve any improper exploitation of any susceptibilities of the audience for such a programme. To ensure that religious programmes do not involve any abusive treatment of the religious views and beliefs of those belonging to a particular religion or religious denomination.
To ensure that news, in whatever form, is reported with due accuracy  and presented with due impartiality. To ensure that the special impartiality requirements of the Act are complied with.
To ensure that the special impartiality requirements in the Communications Act 2003 and other legislation relating to broadcasting on elections and referendums, are applied at the time of elections and referendums.
To ensure that broadcasters avoid unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or organisations in programmes.
-To ensure that broadcasters avoid any unwarranted infringement of privacy in programmes and in connection with obtaining material included in programmes.
-To ensure that broadcasters maintain editorial independence and control over programming (editorial independence).To ensure that there is distinction between editorial content and advertising (distinction).To protect audiences from surreptitious advertising (transparency).To ensure that audiences are protected from the risk of financial harm (consumer protection).To ensure that unsuitable sponsorship is prevented (unsuitable sponsorship).
-To ensure the transparency of commercial communications as a means to secure consumer protection.

  • Ofcom. (2018). The Ofcom Broadcasting Code (with the Cross-promotion Code and the On Demand Programme Service Rules). Available: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv-radio-and-on-demand/broadcast-codes/broadcast-code. Last accessed 03-10-18.
If I was creating my own radio advert I would make sure that if it aired before 12 o'clock, it was 100 percent family friendly. This is because most children are in school after 12 so before this time you do not want to upset/expose a child to inappropriate content. Furthermore, I would make sure that within the advertisement there were no prejudice opinions. This is as all different types of people and cultures will be listening to the radio and you do not want to offend people or get seen as being someone who is promoting hate speech. If I was to create this advert I would ensure that it would be suitable for the audience. This means if it was at 3pm I would not speak about alcohol or sex as it is around the end of school and once more you don't ant to expose that sort of thing to young children.

Thursday 11th October
Radio Advertising

3 main rules:

  • To inform.
  • To persuade.
  • To sell.

  • You need to be surprising add humor in order to captivate your audience.
  • You can have multiple different styles of radio and radio advertisement.
  • A script is a key to a successful radio show.
  • You need an interesting voice don't be monotone as you want to engage your listeners.
  • Needs to be a clear message.
  • Needs to be memorable.
  • Music can be used.
  • Slogans.

Persuasive Techniques:
  • Humour
  • Repetition
  • Shock
  • Animation
  • Series
  • Sex
  • Music
  • Famous people 
  • Facts and figures 
  • Emotive language
  • Information 
  • Friendly and conversational 
  • Intertextuality 
Think two things:
In this radio advertisement the persuasive techniques that were used were facts and figures. By using shocking statistics you can make the listener think about what they are doing and consider changing there actions because of it. Another technique that is used it repetition, by saying the facts multiple times it will make it sink more into the readers head, it is more likely to go through to the listener if it is repeated multiple times through out the advertisement. They have an auditory demonstration of the point that they are trying to make, they layer to people speaking at once to demonstrate that it is hard to focus on two things at once. It gets the point of not texting and driving across very effectively.

Thursday 18th October
Task Three:

  • KFC – “Finger-Lickin' Good
  • Subway- "eat fresh"
  • Kit Kat – “Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat”
  • Heinz – “Beanz Meanz Heinz”
  • Skittles – “Taste the Rainbow

An advert that uses shock tactics was the THINK bet advert. They shocked the reader by at first using a calm and collected voice, then towards the end of the add using the same tone of voice then speaker change what he was talking about, it was a disturbing personal anecdote which will hopefully help the listener think twice before texting and driving.

This is an add used for life insurance. They used Maslow's Heir-achy by the basic needs part of the pyramid as well as the phycological needs, the intermit relationships was between the young boy and his grandad. It plays on sympathy and draws watchers in to want to buy the life insurance as they do not want their child to have the same experience as the young boy in the video. The video helps create empathy. It also used the section of the pyramid with is the need for safety.

Stereotypes in adverts:
-Happy family with a mum an a dad.
-Same-sex parents.
-That everyone has the money for what is in the adverts.
-That everyone has a need for what is in the advert.

Intertextuality add:

Users for music in adds:
-to evoke emotion
-to help create an atmosphere or mood to the video
-to connote a message or moral
-to interest thé listener

Thursday 8th November

1) List 3 purposes of commercial radio:
-To make money
-To help raise seasonal awareness
-To advertise products

2) Name 2 regulators and specify what they do:
They make sure that radios abide by codes so that the advertisements are appropriate for all audiences.

3) Name 3 styles of radio:
-Verity hits

4) List 3 persuasive techniques:

Maslaws Hierarchy Of Needs:
1) Phycological needs
2) Safety
3) Love and belongings
4) Esteem
5) Self-fulfillment

Thursday 15th November 2018

Sound bed
The term used to describe the sound, music and sound effect that helps to make a sense of atmosphere in the add. MORE DETAIL IN BRIEF.

Non Diegetic Sound
Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: narrator's commentary. sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect. mood music.
Diegetic Sound
Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film:  
  • voices of characters
  • sounds made by objects in the story 
  • music represented as coming from instruments in the story space (= source music)
Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from the source within the film's world  
Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame.  
Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound   

List 3 different 'structures' of radio adds using examples e.g one-off, drama, part of a series:

Radio drama is the art of performing stories, acts, or even full-lengths musicals to be broadcast on radios. These productions have no visual aspect at all and rely on the dialogue, music, and sound effects to tell the story e.g think.

Part of a series radio is a periodically recurring series. A single program in a series is called an episode e.g. think adverts.

One of radio is the one-time production of the show r.g a stand-alone dairy milk advert.

Thursday 17th January 2019

Bad Presentation Techniques

  • Being unorganised.
  • Looking unprofessional.
  • Not being prepared.
  • Having your phone turned on.
  • Not knowing your product in detail.
  • Being clumsy
  • Speaking to fast
  • Being unclear.
  • Saying "um","errr" or "basically".
  • Using slang
Good Presentation Techniques
  • Composure. 
  • Preparation
  • Being normal but not boring.
  • Using pictures and diagrams
  • Confidence
  • Eye contact
  • Body language
  • Facial expression
  • Organisation
  • Energy
  • Passion
Obamas Speech Analysis:
Obama uses humour to engage his listeners, he is obviously very prepared and has good composure. He has confidence and good posture this demonstrates to the listener that he is competent and knows what he is speaking about, it gives the listener confidence in what he is speaking about. Obama has good posture which helps give him power and a look of responsibility as well as control. He never says "um", "errrr" or "basically" which shows us that he is an intelligent person it also means that the speech flows and is not boring or clunky. 

Wednesday 16th January 2019
Unit 29

The first music video I am going to discuss is the song "Revolution" by the band Rat Boy. The genre of the music video is indie rock with influences of hip hop and scar music. The mise-en-scene with in the music video includes it being set within a suburban town, it changes location multiple times to a highstreet, inside a corner shop and inside a car. This helps create meaning for the watcher as it sets up some background context within the video, it helps the watcher understand more of the story of the song. The first frame consists of the singer riding a pink childs bike, holding aa bass ball bat on a road in a suburban area, It includes a voice over (which is non diegetic sound) that says "Breaking news, a police officer has just been gunned down after a bloody break out from a detention centre in the sky blue area. Two suspects, one male and one female broke into the prison at 10 o'clock this morning leaving one officer dead. The escaped convict is believed to be non other than SCUM, details of there where abouts are unknown". This audio once more gives context to the video, it makes it more like a story than just a song. For me the singer riding the child's bike with a bass ball bat is rather humorous. 36 seconds into the video it shows the singer on the bike ride into an estate and smash up a mans car with the bat, this is rather violent action that suits the hectic style of the song, this helps create drama for the watcher. There is nothing going on in the background so all the focus is on the violent out burst. For the portions of the music video that are outside they use natural lighting as it is day time, however when they are in the corner shop it looks like they have used a cool white light,I think this is because the song is already frantic so there is no need for excessive coloured lighting as it would take away from the song and make it less effective. 

The second music video that I am going to discuss is "baby wipe" by Ski mask. The genre of this music video is a combination of trap, hip hop and sound cloud rap. The mise-en-scene with in the music video is extremely abstract the frames are constantly changing, there is a high amount of editing that warps the video, it includes neon flashing lights as well as an almost psychedelic style. It opens with a neon green edited version of Ski mask, witch then multiplies into three of him and then morphs into him an elephant and a tree. This suits the style of the song as the lyrics do not really make much sense, like the music video. Props that are used are things like cigarettes and face masks, this helps it the aesthetic that the music video its trying to portray as it makes an edgy feeling. Over the top of most the video there is a neon wash that changes colour through out. The video is constantly changing, this makes it so the watcher constantly stays engage as there is no way they can predict what is going to happen next.

Thursday 7th February 2019
Music Video assignment 1 task 1:

What is the purpose of a music video:
-To gain popularity for the artist
-To illustrate the themes of the song
-Extension of income
-Establish image
-Availability of an artist 
-Extension of outlets 
-To have music featured in a film or television program 
-Appeals to the visual audience 
-Expresses feelings 

Lady Gaga is trying to market a more outgoing and abstract image. Where as Adele is trying to market to a more traditional and potentially more mature audience. They both use a basic monochrome colour palette but both are using completely different body language that displays the two different themes that they are trying to portray. Lady gaga is far more edgy where as Adele looks softer and more approachable. 

Country : Taylor Swift
Christian : Katy Perry 
Pop : Tinashe
Rap : Snoop Dog 

1 comment:

  1. Very good effort and good use of citing your work , I can see you have tried to utilise this here. You are on the right track with most of the purposes. All purposes relate to raising revenue however, make sure you do your research with components I.d. advertising and how it actually makes the stations money. Main purposes: advertising, seasonal awareness, events, sponsorships, selling newscasts, syndication. Have a look at week 4 on the blog for extensive coverage.
